How Your UZURV Insurance Works

Varying levels of UZURV insurance coverage are in effect depending on what stage of a trip you are in. See below for more info.

Driver Offline


Your Personal Insurance Policy

App Open & Expressed Interest in Trip

(Period 1)


Auto Liability Combined Single Limit:

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:
$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1M
NJ: $1.5M

En Route to Active or Scheduled Trip

(Period 2)


Auto Liability Limit:
$1M except in the following:
NC, NJ, NV: $1.5M

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:
$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1M
NJ: $1.5M

Comprehensive and Collision Deductible:

Trip in Progress with Rider in Car

(Period 3)


Auto Liability Limit:
$1M except in the following:
NC, NJ, NV: $1.5M

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:
$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1M
NJ: $1.5M

Comprehensive and Collision Deductible:

When you're offline or your app is open but you haven't expressed interest in a trip yet

You are NOT covered by UZURV insurance. Your personal insurance policy coverage is in effect.

When your app is open and you've expressed interest in an on-demand ride but haven't been assigned to it, yet (Period 1)

This is sometimes referred to as Period 1 in the world of a Transportation Network Company.  This is the time you are active on the UZURV platform specifically awaiting assignment of an On-Demand ride, but you are not en-route to a trip, or on an active trip.  You are covered by our insurance for Liability to a third party.

Auto Liability Limit:


This insurance covers your liability for damages to any third party such as another driver, pedestrian, or property in case of an accident when you’re at fault. 

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:

$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1M

This insurance covers any occupant of your vehicle in case of an accident where another party is at fault but does not have insurance or is underinsured. This also covers hit and run accidents where the at-fault party cannot be identified.

When you're on your way to pick up an assigned rider (Period 2)

This is sometimes referred to as Period 2 or En-Route—it occurs while you drive to pick up a rider but before they get into your car.  You must be marked En Route to be in period 2. You are covered by our insurance policy for two things: 1) your liability to a third party, and 2) any injuries due to an uninsured or underinsured motorist.

Auto Liability Limit:

$1,000,000 except in the following:
NC, NV: $1,500,000

This insurance covers your liability for damages to any third party such as another driver, pedestrian, or property in case of an accident when you’re at fault. 

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:

$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1,000,000

This insurance covers any occupant of your vehicle in case of an accident where another party is at fault but does not have insurance or is underinsured. This also covers hit and run accidents where the at-fault party cannot be identified.

Comprehensive and Collision Deductible:


This is the amount that you’ll owe out-of-pocket per incident. Your Auto Liability coverage will go toward expenses beyond this amount up to the limit.

When an assigned rider is in your car (Period 3)

This is Period 3.  When a rider is in your car, you have the same coverage as you do on your way to pick them up, plus the rider in your car is covered. You are covered by our insurance policy for two things: 1) your liability to a third party, and 2) any injuries due to an uninsured or underinsured motorist.

Auto Liability Limit:

$1,000,000 except in the following:
NC, NV: $1,500,000

This insurance covers your liability for damages to any third party such as another driver, pedestrian, or property in case of an accident when you’re at fault. 

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:

$100,000 except in the following:
AZ: $250,000
FL, NC, VA: $1,000,000

This insurance covers any occupant of your vehicle in case of an accident where another party is at fault but does not have insurance or is underinsured. This also covers hit and run accidents where the at-fault party cannot be identified.

Comprehensive and Collision Deductible:


This is the amount that you’ll owe out-of-pocket per incident. Your Auto Liability coverage will go toward expenses beyond this amount up to the limit.