Getting your Vehicle Inspection



Schedule your inspection with one of these Pep Boys locations.

View Pep Boys Locations


Download and print the UZURV vehicle inspection form for Pep Boys and bring it with you to the appointment.

Then provide the Pep Boys attendant with the Fleet Code: 80537426 and Part Number: PN4836. It is at the top left corner of the form.

Your inspection is free ONLY if you provide the fleet code and part number.

Download Inspection Form


Once your inspection is approved, upload the completed inspection form into your app.

All inspections are good for one year. Please enter your expiration date one year from the inspection date.

Upload Approved Inspection Form


  • The only way to receive a free inspection is through Pep Boys, Valvoline, or Jiffy Lube. Drivers who complete an inspection at another station are responsible for the cost.
  • UZURV does not reimburse for repairs or replacement items required to pass the inspection.
  • Drivers who submit fraudulent inspection documents will be removed from the platform and will be ineligible to become a UZURV Driver.