UZURV Policy Against Sexual Assault, Misconduct, and Harassment

Last Updated: 1/10/2025


This policy outlines the standards of conduct and procedures for addressing sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual misconduct involving users (drivers and riders) on the UZURV Mobility Platform. The goal is to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all users, with particular attention to vulnerable individuals who may rely on UZURV services due to age, disability, or other needs.


This policy applies to all drivers, employees, contractors, or anyone affiliated with the UZURV Mobility Platform who interacts with passengers during the provision of special transportation services.


  • Physical assault: any intentional act by one person that causes bodily harm or threatens harm to another person. 
  • Sexual Abuse: Any sexual act, behavior, or misconduct involving a passenger that occurs without their consent, or when the passenger is unable to provide valid consent due to age, mental disability, or other factors that impair their ability to understand or communicate consent.
  • Sexual Harassment: Any unwelcome or inappropriate verbal, non-verbal, or physical behavior of a sexual nature that creates a hostile, intimidating, or uncomfortable environment for the passenger or other individuals.  
  • Sexual Misconduct: Any inappropriate behavior that does not necessarily involve physical contact but is still sexual in nature and violates the dignity or privacy of the passenger.


  • Physical touching, groping, pinching, kissing, hugging, patting, tickling, brushing against another person’s body, assault, coerced sexual acts, impeding or blocking movements;
  • Unwanted advances or propositions, such as repeated requests for dates or sexual favors; suggestive or obscene messages or invitations;
  • Non-verbal conduct such as staring, leering, or gestures;
  • Catcalling (shouting, yelling, whistling);
  • Unwanted sharing or display of visuals that are sexually suggestive (objects, posters, cartoons, pictures, or drawings);
  • Verbal conduct such as lewd remarks, sex-based epithets, obscene comments, derogatory comments, sexually degrading words, slurs, sexual jokes, innuendo, or unwanted flirtations;
  • Graphic comments about an individual’s body, sexual prowess, or sexual deficiencies
  • Threatening to hit someone with a raised fist or weapon; 
  • Punching or slapping someone; 
  • Shoving someone into a wall or other object, causing them to lose balance or fall;
  • Kicking someone during an argument, even if it doesn’t cause severe injury; 
  • Choking someone.

Roles and Responsibilities

Department Responsibility
Administration Maintain this policy
Operations Investigate complaints and determine outcome

Notify users of investigation outcome

Compliance Monitor complaints for compliance with policy

Compliance and Enforcement

UZURV does not tolerate any instances of sexual abuse, harassment, misconduct, or physical assault, against any User.

Physical contact between a Driver and a rider is strictly prohibited, except in the case of an extraordinary safety reason where emergency assistance is required. 

In the case of an adult Rider, limited physical assistance may be requested by the adult Rider.

Because the intent of this policy is to deter conduct that is unwanted, unreasonable, and demeaning, UZURV may consider a user’s conduct to be in violation of this policy even if it does not rise to the level of unlawful assault or harassment under applicable law.


We strongly encourage the prompt reporting of all incidents of potential sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct to UZURV. UZURV’s investigation process ensures confidentiality to the extent possible and is consistent with UZURV’s Privacy Policy. 

UZURV has established a process for users to submit complaints through the UZURV app or by phone and will conduct an impartial and timely investigation based on the information collected. 

If an allegation is credible, UZURV will take action up to and including permanently removing a user’s access to UZURV’s platform and the ability to ride and/or drive with UZURV. 

To file a complaint:
Complaints about individual drivers or riders should be directed to UZURV by using the support button in the app, sending an email to, or calling customer support at (866) 898-7836.

Users may also file a complaint in their respective state using the contact information provided in UZURV’s state-specific terms of service.

There will be no retaliation for making a good faith complaint or participating in an investigation against another user.


National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

UZURV Privacy Policy

UZURV State-Specific Terms of Service

Drivers may direct questions and concerns to UZURV by sending an email to