Our Partnerships Provide Transit Agencies a Flexible Option for ADA Paratransit Riders with Exceptional Individual Service
Wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV) service is essential in transportation programs committed to equity. Our transit agency program partners leverage UZURV to improve WAV service for their ADA paratransit ridership in two ways. Indirectly, by assigning trips to UZURV for ambulatory riders that otherwise would be serviced by their directly operated or contracted WAV fleets. And directly, where UZURV is contracted to provide WAV vehicles as a portion of the available trips we provide.
UZURV onboards WAV contract companies in much the same way we do our owner-operator TNC drivers – ensuring a high level of service and full compliance with Federal Transit Administration (FTA), state, local, and other regulatory requirements.
Partnerships Based on a Shared Commitment to Service
Ensuring paratransit riders who need access to wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs) receive the same higher level of service expected of every UZURV ride means having equally high standards for the WAV providers we choose to contract with.
Featured Partner
Tristar Transportation
Safe, Reliable, and Flexible
In Columbus Ohio, UZURV subcontracts with Tristar Transportation, to supply WAV rides in partnership with The Central Ohio Transit Authority’s (COTA) Mainstream On-Demand program. Tristar epitomizes everything UZURV looks for when partnering with WAV providers, especially their commitment to their stated values – safety, reliability, and flexibility.
We spoke to Tristar President and COO, Lauren Payne, about this 3-word mantra and how it guides their values and business practices.

Columbus, OH
Established 1992.
Partnered with UZURV since 2018.
June - August Snapshot:
0 Cancellations
10+ operations staff
150+ Drivers
175 Vehicle Fleet
Safety — A Top-to-Bottom Culture
The primary concern of any public transportation system is safety, for employees and riders alike. Our WAV partners are carefully vetted for their safety record and safety culture.
Tristar drivers undergo extensive training that Lauren says “exceeds every state National Safety Council. and contractual requirements…” Tristar then takes safety one step further, “investing in high-tech onboard cameras and GPS vehicle trackers, to ensure we have the best results possible.”
Reliable — Quality over Quantity
Lauren explains that to be a good partner to UZURV and riders Tristar must be reliable, which means, “showing up on time, and actually showing up to complete the ride…and then just providing good solid customer service and an enjoyable ride.”
UZURV looks for WAV providers that allow us and our transit partners to ‘set it and forget it’ knowing that accepted rides will be completed. Lauren describes Tristar as cautious when booking rides, “because we are so adamant about not overbooking ourselves.” Tristar has built its processes to be certain that each ride can be completed with a high on-time percentage.
Flexible — Accommodations Require Consideration
Paratransit services function very differently from traditional public transportation. This is not the world of routes running on set schedules, riders have differing needs that often can’t be addressed with standardized solutions.
This is why it’s incredibly important for a WAV provider to be flexible. For Tristar, Lauren says, “Flexibility is the big one for us. Where we really go above and beyond to cater to the rider. Whether that’s a special vehicle type, a certain type of music, or a radio station, we make sure we provide the most comfortable ride for everybody.”
Most Important — The Shared Mission
UZURV offers transit agencies options to improve WAV service, a common challenge when there are driver or vehicle shortages. We work hard with our WAV providers across the country on important factors like on-time percentages, reliability, safety, and service. But we never lose sight of the positive impact we can have on the lives of the riders.
Lauren shares her thoughts on the shared mission of COTA, UZURV, and Tristar, “if you take a step back, we’re providing a very important service to the community. Especially being able to partner with UZURV and COTA to help the community that relies on subsidized rides from the transit agency to get to medical appointments and personal errands. It feels really good to be able to support that.”
Learn more about how COTA has leveraged UZURV’s FTA-Compliant fleet to provide ADA Paratransit in Columbus, OH here: COTA Case Study
WAV – Wheelchair-Accessible Vehicle
NDSP – Non-Dedicated Service Provider
NEMT – Non-emergency Medical Transportation
TNC – Transportation Network Company
Interested in working with UZURV to provide wheelchair-accessible transportation to riders in your community?