You run your ADA Paratransit program, and you know what a delicate thing it is to introduce a completely new service provider into the mix. That’s especially true at the beginning of a partnership, where all the nitty-gritty details must be put into motion with minimal disruption. Transit agency and partner staff at more than 35 programs across the country, all unique in various ways, have taught us a tremendous amount about how to onboard UZURV. The keys to these successful partnerships are having a knowledgeable onboarding team and a belief in being helpful, consistent, and predictable partners for our program partners.
Also, a minor thing, we don’t start earning money until successful trips are completed.
“UZURV has been a collaborative and positive partner with Palm Tran during our endeavor with incorporating Transportation Network Companies into our service options. They have been communicative and open to building a customer-friendly service within our community. Our paratransit riders love the drivers and the on-time service they are providing!”
— Lou Ferri, Senior Manager of Paratransit
Palm Tran
Let’s follow the onboarding Journey from the 1st stop to Ride Start!
Journey Start! — You’ve contracted with UZURV

Hurray! You found the right fit to supplement your ADA paratransit or rider choice program and have contracted with UZURV. So, what happens now?

A Program Tailored to Your Paratransit Needs

You know your paratransit program back-to-front, and we’ve launched UZURV partnerships all across the U.S. including in some of the largest, most complex paratransit systems in the country. This is the stage where we collaborate to mesh our collective experience and build a foundation for success.
Each UZURV partner has its own unique needs and goals, which is why we work with you to create a standard operating procedure (SOP) document. This document is the “source of truth” for the specific program requirements.
Together, we clarify specifics like service area & levels, expected ride start date, trip volumes, fare type & collection methods, driver requirements, and the list goes on, down to things like lost and found policies.
Our established checklist ensures we have crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s – and it’s flexible as every program adds a new adaptation.
The extra cherry on top – no implementation fees from UZURV.

Quickly Onboard a Network of FTA-Compliant Drivers That Meet Your Program Standards
UZURV’s mobility platform quickly onboards a network of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) compliant drivers. Drivers must pass rigorous drug & alcohol screening, and criminal & safety background checks before driving. Their vehicles are also subject to an array of screenings and requirements. Most programs also have state, regional, municipal, or program-specific requirements that UZURV adapts onboarding to.
Not only is UZURV’s network of drivers fully FTA-compliant – they also complete a comprehensive training course that ensures that drivers are aware of, and are sensitive to, the needs of people with disabilities and older adults.
And still, no fees from UZURV.

Expect Seamless Integration With Your Mobility Management System.

UZURV fully integrates with most major mobility management platforms, including Trapeze, Spare, and Ecolane. We are also happy to provide the tools and support needed for a self-service document upload.
Regardless of how your transit program dispatches paratransit rides, UZURV adapts to your system to create a seamless process for your team.
With UZURV’s technology integrations, you will have access to:
- Fully integrated dispatching
- Real-time ride status
- Fully transparent data reporting
Before launch, UZURV provides a platform demonstration and accompanying training to ensure transit program staff can effectively utilize their new fleet of UZURV drivers.
And we’re still at no cost to you. There are no integration fees, testing fees, or gated data fees from UZURV.

Ride Start! - Your new TNC Paratransit Option is ready
The day has come – Rides have begun.
To reach this stage:
- Program requirements and parameters have been determined
- Transit staff are prepared to use any API integrations that have been set up
- Ride start capacity has been jointly determined by the transit partner and UZURV
- Trip information for the first batch of rides has been delivered to UZURV
Thus the inaugural trips are dispatched – watch as your operational efficiency, OTP, and customer satisfaction go up.
And costs go down – in some cases over 50% less on average per trip than traditional paratransit service.
Speaking of which, we finally begin billing when we’ve completed trips. With UZURV billing is predictable and transparent.
The Journey Continues!
The journey doesn’t end once we’ve launched. UZURV will continue to optimize our partnership to ensure a seamless transition from launch to ongoing operations.
Through continued monitoring of program feedback, driver capacity, real-time safety, and ride monitoring, UZURV offers exceptional support and rapid problem-solving.
Should you need to scale up or down UZURV can flex the driver network to fit your shifting program needs. And with OTP often above 98% (within 15 minutes of scheduled pick-up times), new flexible networks of drivers, and very happy riders, that shift is often a growth in the UZURV program.
Interested in Finding Out More?
If you are responsible for providing transportation for people with disabilities and older adults and want to learn more about how UZURV works, click here to find out more.